Born in Oxford, England in 1987, Philip is a wood sculptor using a variety of timber species. Philip designs and makes seating and feature sculptures with form, flow and texture a priority. English Oak is a favourite for outdoor work as it’s durability and presence in the landscape is almost unrivalled.
Philip employs a variety of tools and methods to achieve his work, from chainsaw to gouge and mallet. The texture and contrast arrived at through scorching is a large element of his work, adding atmosphere and soul.
Nature and the materials it provides have long been an interest. With many days climbing rock and many nights sleeping in the forest, often wondering about the form and feel of the materials around us.
Philip’s skill with a chainsaw and passion for working with wood came from a career as an arborist. After a few years learning the trade ideas of turning beautiful timber, often destined for firewood, into works of art began to overwhelm. A small collection of handleable timber started to build. A chance encounter with accomplished sculptor and furniture maker, Alison Crowther, soon led to a sculpture assistant position on her team. Having worked with Alison for five years the skills and vision to create large scale works have been realised. Execution and attention to detail have been lessons well learned.
The desire to climb trees is still strong but mostly just for the view these days. The desire to create in the studio grows by the day.